Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney movies and biography.

Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney

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Age 18 January 1914

Birthday 18 January 1914 1914-01-18

Comedy Short Family
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All Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney movies list with pictures. Biography and interesting facts from personal life. Celebrity fans will be attracted by latest photoshoot or rare Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney photos: childhood and now. High quality pictures can be used as HD wallpapers. Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney has worked as actor and has been in 15 films, animated movies and TV series in his filmography. Rate the celebrity and leave a review!

Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney - BIOGRAPHY

He played Chubby in 18 "Our Gang" comedies from 1929 to 1931. The resident plus-size member of "The Little Rascals" at the dawn of the talkie era, he relied on an affable personality, a flair for funny dialogue, and a priceless frown of frustration that seemed to swallow up his whole moon face. He was taught the expression by the master of the "slow burn" himself, comedian Edgar Kennedy. Chubby's meatiest moments are in the classic short "Love Business" (1931), in which he competed with Jackie Cooper for the affections of their teacher, Miss Crabtree. (Bringing her flowers and candy, he coyly proposes, "Don't call me Norman, call me 'Chubsy-Ubsy'"). Chaney's other notable "Our Gang" appearances include "Boxing Gloves" (1929), "Shivering Shakespeare" (1930), "Teacher's Pet" (1930), "School's Out" (1930), "Helping Grandma" (1931), "Bargain Day" (1931), and "Fly My Kite" (1931). Norman Myers Chaney was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He gained his spot in "Our Gang" in a nationwide talent contest to replace original "fat kid" Joe Cobb, though it appears his age was falsified so he'd stand a better chance of winning. Cobb later said of his successor, "He adapted gracefully, and we all liked him, he was a nice fellow". Roughly 14 at the time ("retirement" age by child star standards), the roly-poly youth's stay with the series was destined to be brief but he still made a memorable impression on generations of "Rascals" fans. After leaving the Gang Chaney returned to Baltimore and attended public school. He continued to gain weight and eventually topped 300 pounds. In 1935 he underwent surgery for a glandular ailment at Johns Hopkins Hospital; his weight dropped to 136 pounds and he remained in poor health until his death the following May. Chaney was the first former "Our Gang" star to die.

Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney - FILMOGRAPHY:

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name release year IMDB rating
Helping Grandma movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Helping Grandma

Little Daddy movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Little Daddy

Bargain Day movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Bargain Day

Love Business movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Love Business

A Tough Winter movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

A Tough Winter

Pups Is Pups movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Pups Is Pups

Teacher's Pet movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Teacher's Pet

School's Out movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

School's Out

Lazy Days movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Lazy Days

Boxing Gloves movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.

Boxing Gloves

Railroadin' movie in Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography.



All Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney films: from early to the latest. Recent Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney HD pictures and biography.

15 movies, animated films and TV series, famous actor – and all this is Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney. Bio and details of life are always a subject of interest by celebrity fans. Even if you do not take one of them, then, at least, pay attention to the interesting facts: about children, family, relationships and childhood.
In Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney filmography you will find all top and recent movies, TV series and cartoons: from the very first film to the upcoming ones. Filters by name, release date, genres and IMDB rating will help you to quickly find all Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney roles: from the very young movie to the last one. It easy to notice that the filmography is mainly dominated by films in the genre Comedy,Short,Family. United States where is Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney from also affected his work. Among best films Little Daddy, Teacher's Pet, Love Business and here you can find out what is the next Norman \'Chubby\' Chaney movie.
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