Virginia Davis movies and biography.

Virginia Davis

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Age 31 December 1918

Birthday 31 December 1918 1918-12-31

Actor Writer
Comedy Short Cartoon
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All Virginia Davis movies list with pictures. Biography and interesting facts from personal life. Celebrity fans will be attracted by latest photoshoot or rare Virginia Davis photos: childhood and now. High quality pictures can be used as HD wallpapers. Virginia Davis has worked as actor, writer and has been in 18 films, animated movies and TV series in her filmography. Rate the celebrity and leave a review!

Virginia Davis - BIOGRAPHY

Virginia Davis was born on December 31, 1918, in Kansas City, Missouri. Her father was a traveling furniture salesman and spent much time away from home. With her husband gone for weeks at a time, Margaret Davis, a housewife, focused all her attention on her daughter; she began taking Virginia to dancing lessons and modeling auditions when she was 2. A striking child with long curls, Virginia was soon appearing in advertisements that played between films in local theaters. She also entered Georgie Brown's Dramatic School in Kansas City, where she studied drama and dance. In the summer of 1923, 22-year-old Walt Disney, a struggling but ambitious director, saw Virginia in an advertisement in a Kansas City theater and immediately decided to hire her. He quickly contacted Margaret Davis, who was eager to advance her Virginia's career. Alice's Wonderland (1923), the first short film of the Alice series, was filmed at the Davis home in Kansas City; both Margaret Davis and Walt Disney made brief appearances (which marked Disney's first live appearance in one of his own cartoons). After filming, Disney returned to Hollywood and began to build his movie empire with only forty dollars and one short film starring little Virginia Davis. The Davis family soon followed Disney to Hollywood, although their daughter's career was not the only reason for the move; Virginia had suffered a pneumonia and other health problems, and her doctor told her parents that she would be healthier in a drier, warmer climate. Virginia signed her first contract with Disney for a salary of $100 a month, and she began filming the Alice shorts in Walt Disney's first studio, his uncle's garage. His brother Roy O. Disney was the cameraman, and the Disney family dog Peggy appeared in many of the films. The Alice shorts became very popular, providing Disney with his first national success. But as the series progressed, Disney became more interested in the animation aspect, which minimized Virginia's live-action role; she only made about thirteen of the Alice shorts before her contract was severed. She later auditioned for the role of voice of Snow White in Disney's film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), but she didn't get the role because her mother refused to accept the frugal salary. Virginia had some small roles in full-length films, including The Harvey Girls (1946), before she left acting to earn a degree from the New York School of Interior Design. She later became an editor for the 1950s magazine "Living for Young Homemakers," and in the 1960s, she began working for real estate agents in Connecticut and later California. In 1992, interest was renewed in the Alice series. Living in retirement in Montana, Virginia was suddenly overwhelmed by the number of fans seeking to honor her and the remarkable role she played in the birth of Walt Disney Studios. She was the guest of honor at the Pordonone Silent Film Festival in Italy in 1992, and she was inducted as a Disney Legend in 1998. Virginia also became very active in silent film festivals and events at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

Virginia Davis - FILMOGRAPHY:

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All Virginia Davis films: from early to the latest. Recent Virginia Davis HD pictures and biography.

18 movies, animated films and TV series, famous actor, writer – and all this is Virginia Davis. Bio and details of life are always a subject of interest by celebrity fans. Even if you do not take one of them, then, at least, pay attention to the interesting facts: about children, family, relationships and childhood.
In Virginia Davis filmography you will find all top and recent movies, TV series and cartoons: from the very first film to the upcoming ones. Filters by name, release date, genres and IMDB rating will help you to quickly find all Virginia Davis roles: from the very young movie to the last one. It easy to notice that the filmography is mainly dominated by films in the genre Comedy,Short,Cartoon. United States where is Virginia Davis from also affected her work. Among best films The Walt Disney Story, Three on a Match, Alice the Peacemaker and here you can find out what is the next Virginia Davis movie.
Also on this page is gathered huge photo gallery with lots of the best Virginia Davis images in high quality which you can easily use as beautiful wallpapers for desktop of mobile Android, iPhone or PC. We add not only professional photoshoots but also private Virginia Davis family photos with her parents, kids and husband. If you want to see how Virginia Davis looked like as a kid or as a teenager or want to find Virginia Davis naked pictures, you can be sure that you will get them in our gallery. By the way the latest images may help you to know how she looks in real life, if she is dating or even where is Virginia Davis now. As soon as new Virginia Davis images appear in high quality we add them immediately into our collection.

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